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Join us and learn about the ins and outs of responding to an RFP (Request for Proposals). We will discuss proposal requirements, qualifications, and timelines specific to ArtWorksTO. Neighbourhood Arts Network in partnership with City of Toronto, Toronto Youth Equity Strategy will discuss the recently launched ArtWorksTO – Youth Communication Projects. ArtWorksTO will distribute $80,000 to successful youth applicants to create dynamic and original arts-based communication pieces for several City Divisions. This project is a great opportunity for youth arts entrepreneurs to gain valuable experience with City contracts and grow their portfolios by producing City communications material with a for youth by youth approach! Download RFP at www.neighbourhoodartsnetwork/artworksto For questions, please contact Ines Aguileta | | 416.392.6800 x221 —- Refreshments and TTC fare will be provided.

February 15, 2017
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Arts
111 Queen s Park
Toronto, Ontario, Canada