Trigger Warning
Justin Henry Miller’s paintings are meticulously rendered, finely wrought, hi-def, sci-fi fantasies of a bio-medical graveyard that take place in the (maybe not so distant) future: after the experiments have concluded and the labs have been abandoned. Failed experiments are mixed with semi-successful results in the now defunct paraphernalia and discarded equipment of bio-medical waste. Fetal tissue and synthetic organs are encased forever in a state of suspended animation. Artificial respiration, insemination, and even perspiration are machine generated in self sustaining perpetuity. Miller's new exhibition, "The Fallout Kingdom," creates this parallel world, providing a glimpse into the aftermath of our own planet’s seemingly inevitable demise. Despite this vanitas, the characters in these paintings display a whimsical resiliency, as they salvage the leftovers and reclaim the detritus to carve out a new candy-coated existence.

December 22, 2016
Zg Gallery
300 W. Superior St.
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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