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FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY (featuring a Roller Derby Demo from the Anchor City Rollers) (in collaboration with Broken Turtle Productions) Friday April 28 @ 7:30pm Saturday April 29 @ 7:30pm Roller Derby demonstration at 7:30, show begins at 8 Tickets available from Ticket Halifax $25 Student and Artist rate at the door $15 WRITTEN & PERFORMED BY NANCY KENNY DIRECTED BY TANIA LEVY Canadian Comedy Award Nominee and New Brunswick native, Nancy Kenny, is back on tour with her critically acclaimed one-woman show Roller Derby Saved My Soul. Since premiering at the Ottawa Fringe Festival in 2011, the production has been charming sold-out audiences at festivals across the country. Dubbed an action-adventure comedy on wheels, this critical darling of the 2013 Atlantic Fringe Festival wheels back into Halifax for two nights only! Synopsis: Roller Derby Saved My Soul tells the story of Amy (Nancy Kenny), a shy young woman who spends most of her time reading comic books and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs in her basement apartment. For her thirtieth birthday, her over-achieving younger sister June (also played by Kenny) drags her to a roller derby game. Inspired, Amy begins playing and embarks on an epic and hilarious journey of self-discovery. With a mixture of heartwarming honesty and snappy observations, Roller Derby Saved My Soul uncovers the superhero within while learning to love, laugh, and grab life kneepads. Top Ten Must See Fringe Show – CBC Canada Writes Canadian Comedy Award Nominee for Best One Person Show WINNER Outstanding Fringe Production – Les Prix Rideau Awards Patron’s Pick – Winnipeg Fringe Festival & Vancouver Fringe Festival Best in Fest – Ottawa Fringe Festival, Hamilton Fringe Festival Critic’s Choice – Atlantic Fringe Festival REVIEWS “Comforting and uplifting.” – The Globe and Mail “Nancy Kenny is a charmer… undeniably original.” – Montreal Gazette “Perfect escapism and purely satisfying entertainment… Go see it.” – CBC Ottawa “Roller Derby Saved My Soul skates straight into your heart.” – Edmonton Journal "… makes us want to go out, lace up pair of skates, and like this play, kick some ass.” – Fully Fringed “This fun, feel-good show will appeal to the shy weirdo in all of us.” – Bloody Underrated

April 28, 2017
The Bus Stop Theatre
2203 Gottingen
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada