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Mary Shanley is a poet/writer, living in New York CIty. She has published four books and often publishes in online and print journals.


Trigger Warning

I live in the pulse of unconscious patterns.
My civilized mind remains incapable
of interpreting the illuminated life
I experience outside the limits
of ordinary consciousness.

Today, I am an ancient soul.
Periodically contemplating
the divine in every molecule.
An urban naturalist,
living in a cement cave
painting pre-verbal
symbols on the walls
and chanting Sanskrit
seed syllables, vibration
language to recalibrate
the essence of my soul.

Today, I have escaped death
in dens of darkness
I have wandered
across the contemplative
Sahara sands,
a lonely saint
crossing the desert
nearly dead,
when I awaken to the
grace of life
and dance in the whirlwind
with the angels.
We are without faces
yet visible, nonetheless.

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