Trigger Warning
My windows withdrawn from
the world, I try not to think
about it anymore except for
the pale almond blossoms on
my nightstand I wake up to
every morning and, when I
look at myself in the mirror,
I’m used to the fault lines on
my face that aren’t so easy to
erase; but every nick, curve
and the laugh lines around my
eyes are tiny roads that lead
me into dismal future life,
one where I am all alone and
it’s up to me to survive, whether
or not I want to go on and I pass
my thoughts onto God, my heart
paper thin; it would be so easy
for Him to rub me out of existence.
Instead He watches me everyday
so I carve my own path through
the years, listen to the wind telling
me it’s okay to breathe in the sweet
daylight again.