Blue Cotton Candy December 20, 2022March 20, 2023Janelle Finamore 0 A reflection and feelings of the effects of the pandemic. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
The Flower Lady June 20, 2022September 20, 2022Jonathan Ferrini 0 Love and compassion bloom during a pandemic. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
in cemento veritas March 20, 2022June 21, 2022Mario Loprete 1 Clothes that survived covid 19, very similar to what survived after the 2,000-year-old catastrophic eruption of Pompeii. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
Covidscapes September 20, 2021December 20, 2021Cynthia Yatchman 0 These images were done during our Covid isolation. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
this summer June 20, 2021June 20, 2021RC deWinter 0 Covid Summer Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
Living amid Covid-19 June 20, 2021June 20, 2021Rosa Arlotto 0 Living our time with a pandemic. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
Something Remains March 20, 2021June 20, 2021Rosa Arlotto 0 When inspiration is gone something remains, writing. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
to hear a voice, see a face December 20, 2020March 20, 2021RC deWinter 0 Life during COVID19. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
My Coffee Date with Death September 20, 2020December 20, 2020Jonathan Ferrini 0 A chance meeting with a mysterious stranger provides a pathway to salvation for a desperate man who has lost his way during a pandemic. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
On Inspiration June 21, 2020September 20, 2020Dan Rice 2 Is inspiration ephemeral or damn hard work? One writer provides his thoughts on this perennial subject. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
Love in the Time of COVID June 21, 2020September 20, 2020David O'Connor 0 “Love in the time of COVID” is a meditation in the midst of a crisis on feelings of powerlessness and the human spirit. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
the triumph of the autonomic June 21, 2020September 20, 2020RC deWinter 0 Addressing COVID 19. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...
Misandroid’s Missteps June 21, 2020September 20, 2020Mary Mills 0 Words drop, disconnect and die. Yet the babbling blather continues. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreLinkedInRedditPocketTelegramPinterestWhatsAppTumblrPrintMastodonNextdoorLike this:Like Loading...